Student Art Exhibit Explores the Nature of Memory


This exhibit runs through Feb. 28.

一场名为“铜绿”的40件艺术品的展览将在查赞家族画廊展出至2月11日. 28. The woodblock prints, 素描和油画由RIC学生Gabrielle Patrone创作, Erica Tedesco and Serene Lincoln.

“In these works, we explore the nature of time and memory,” Patrone says, who is both curator of the exhibit and exhibiting artist. 在这些探索中,艺术家们发现记忆总是有色彩的. Memory always alters reality.

In her oil paintings, Patrone starts with old, black-and-white photos of family events and gatherings. “我来自一个意大利家庭,那里非常重视聚会,”她说. “All of my paintings are snapshots of those moments.”

Gabrielle Patrone
Gabrielle Patrone, “Fragments,” oil on panel, 12" x 15.5," 2022

这些照片拍摄于20世纪50年代,描绘的是帕特隆本人没有参与的esball官方网. “我所拥有的都是流传下来的故事,”她说. “My paintings are reinterpretations of those stories.” In her paintings, Patrone将照片中看到的真实esball官方网融入到自己的想象和听到故事时的感受中.


展览中所有的自画像都是艾丽卡·特德斯科画的. 为了创作这些作品,她会凝视两块镜子,然后用油画在画布上画出她所看到的东西. 她发现,我们所看到的并不是我们所记得的.

Not only do “human beings have short-term memories,” Tedesco says, 我们的情绪和个人认知会影响我们的记忆. “我们如何看待现在将影响我们如何记住它, which is why what we see can never be accurate,” she says.

特德斯科指出,她更成功的自画像是那些看起来最不像她的人——那些接近抽象的人. 抽象性使自画像不必在技术上精确.

Erica Tedesco
Erica Tedesco, “The Yellow Fez,” oil on canvas, 10" x 14", 2022 (top right); “Fragment” (1 and 2), oil on canvas, 5" x 5", 2022 (bottom right)


展览中所有的风景画,包括水彩画和木版画,都是林肯创作的. They depict the grounds of a former monastery in Cumberland, Rhode Island, along with the Cistercian monks who once lived there.

林肯说:“自从我能在这里散步以来,修道院就一直是我生活的一部分。. “我觉得自己与这片土地以及与这片土地互动的所有人都有很深的联系.”

Serene Lincoln
宁静的林肯,“乌节路向东,02”,纸上水彩画,11.5" x 21", 2022

For this project, 林肯对西多会教团进行了深入的研究他们如何生活,如何在土地上耕作.

“我想给这些过去的人物赋予生命,”她说. “与加布里埃尔和埃里卡不同,我不会在工作中使用自己的记忆或他人的记忆. I’m using ‘imagined memories.’”

“当我开始这个项目时,我非常投入地让我的画看起来像我看到的那样. But memory isn’t just what you see; it’s how you perceive [identify / draw conclusions from] what you see,” she says.

Like Tedesco, 谁最成功的画作是那些接近抽象的, 林肯在剧中最喜欢的风景是那些观众看不清物体是什么的地方.

“你看着它,分不清它是树还是树桩,”她说. “这些形状本身对我来说更有趣,因为它们是无法辨认的. 它们失去了背景,只是成为一幅有趣的画中的形状. That was an important discovery for me. 记忆本身是变幻无常的,那么,为什么不允许我的艺术也如此呢.”


Gabrielle Patrone is a senior, earning a B.F.A. in painting and a B.A. in art history. 她希望成为博物馆的馆长或教授艺术史. Of her education at RIC, she says, “艺术系的教授对我影响很大. They pushed me to pursue this gallery exhibition, 他们是你读研究生和继续深造的大力支持者. 他们要求所有艺术专业的学生参加art 400课程,以确保我们准备好在任何艺术领域工作, whether it be fine arts, teaching art or curating.”

Erica Tedesco is a senior earning a B.F.A. in painting and a B.S. in biology. She hopes to become a career artist and to teach. She says, “The faculty in both art and biology are hard. But it’s good. It toughens you up. 他们想给你一个真实的职业世界的画面.” Before enrolling in graduate school, 特德斯科将在一家生物技术公司的研究实验室工作几年,以利用她的生物学学位. After that, she intends to pursue art full time.

Serene Lincoln, who graduated last semester, earned a B.F.A. in printmaking and a B.A. in painting. She intends to become a career artist, exhibiting and selling her work, while teaching at a school or working at a print shop. In looking back at her time at RIC, she says, “I came here because Rhode Island College was affordable, but you also get a solid education. 这里的设施非常棒,艺术中心是一个非凡的空间. 很多艺术教师都在罗德岛设计学院工作,或者在耶鲁获得学位, one of the top art schools in the country. So, the education here is really solid.

“你还可以从教授那里得到很多一对一的关注,这是在大学校得不到的. I think that’s much more valuable. It’s where real learning happens. 你可以经常和同学交流. 你可以四处走走,和人们聊聊他们正在做什么, ask questions, 让他们看看你的作品,给你一些建议. 我发现我的教授们——尤其是理查德·惠顿和斯蒂芬·费雪——对我很难, 但我看到我对艺术的理解和我自己的艺术在很短的时间内成长了. I think they got me ready for the real world.”

See Department of Art for information about our program.