
professor of economics

无论你走到哪里,人们都在谈论成本上涨. What is inflation and how did we get here? 听听一位专家——RIC经济学助理教授伊格纳西奥·拉米雷斯·西斯内罗斯的看法.

Inflation is at the highest level it’s been in four decades. 除了经济学家之外,任何人都觉得奇怪的是,当经济在2020年11月重新开放时,价格就开始上涨了. 你可能会认为,在新冠疫情关闭后,打开我们的商业大门会让我们重新站起来. 相反,食品、租金和基本生活必需品的价格持续飙升. And though prices eventually fell at the gas pump, 罗德岛居民的电费将平均上涨50美元.因为天然气价格仍在飙升(美国38%的电力是由天然气产生的)。. And if you got a raise, 这一点也不重要,因为通货膨胀的增长速度超过了生活成本的增长速度.

In this Q&A, RIC经济学助理教授伊格纳西奥·拉米雷斯·西斯内罗斯为我们提供了有关通货膨胀的独家新闻.

Professor, could you start by defining inflation?


What triggered this inflation? How did we get here?

其中一个原因是供应链冲击和劳动力短缺. Due to the public health response to the Covid pandemic, 许多重要部门的生产停止或停滞,员工被解雇或感染新冠病毒, creating a backlog in the production of strategic commodities, 你在现代工业化经济中需要的商品和服务. 现代经济从一开始就以非常少的库存运行.

其次,那些未受裁员影响的人的可支配收入有所增加. People who didn’t lose their job during the pandemic, whose incomes weren’t affected by the shutdowns, suddenly had extra discretionary income to spend, 因此,他们开始抬高价格,试图在供应短缺的产品上出价高于对方, such as used cars, new cars and housing. That leads to inflation.

第三个原因是拜登向市场发出电报,表示他将使美国从传统能源转向可再生能源. 在经济学中,信息甚至在采取任何行动之前就影响了价格. 如果你是一个优秀的投资者,你会利用这些信息来玩牌. 如果你是一个贷款人,你听说总统要向可再生能源转型, 你在借钱给一个石油钻探公司时要三思而后行,因为他所在的行业正在被淘汰. 拜登的声明一出,石油和天然气价格就开始上涨.

乌克兰战争是导致能源价格创纪录的最新因素. 俄罗斯是全球第二大原油出口国,也是全球最大的天然气出口国. When the U.S., 在俄罗斯入侵乌克兰后,欧盟和英国限制了俄罗斯石油和天然气的进口, it drove up the cost of these commodities.]


为了抑制通货膨胀,美联储今年已经五次提高利率. How do interest rates impact inflation?

央行对通胀上升的传统反应一直是提高利率. 它的目的是增加失业率,减少支出,以稳定物价. 如果利率高企,借贷成本就会更高. When people stop borrowing, they have less money to spend. 如果他们花的钱少了,他们买的就少了,价格也就停止上涨.] It is a very blunt policy instrument.

Are there certain jobs that will be impacted more than others?

Jobs tied to discretionary spending, such as the hospitality industry, 当人们为了购买基本必需品而削减开支时,谁会受到最大的打击.

What can we do to protect ourselves from the fallout?

If you’re a RIC student, make sure you graduate; increase your skill set to make yourself more attractive in the labor force, be wise with your spending and pay down your debt, if you can.

Now that we’ve heard the bad news, what’s the good news?

好消息是,在Covid之后,我们意识到我们的供应链太广泛了. 现在有一种趋势是将战略性供应链制造业带回美国. 这意味着这些行业将会有更多的工作机会. For instance, 8月通过了将半导体和芯片技术生产带回美国的立法[2022年芯片和科学法案]。. Currently, Taiwan makes a lot of these chips. Investment in U.S. 生产将减少对已成为国家安全威胁的外国供应链的依赖.

The other good news is that despite inflationary pressure, despite commodities prices going up, 现在美元比世界上几乎任何其他货币都要坚挺. 美元仍然是世界和美国的避险货币.S. is still the safe-haven market.