

这个网页将指导学生完成毕业的过程. 欲了解更多信息,请联系 注册处 或者向你的 毕业的顾问. If you know that you are 1-2 credits short of completing your graduation requirements you may want to look into 通过红十字会认证完成学分.


Students who are scheduled to complete their degree requirements at the end of the Spring semester, 夏季学期, 或者之前在秋季学期完成学位要求的学生, 能被邀请参加五月的毕业典礼吗. 


Before applying for graduation, please verify your Academic Program, Major 和 Minor (如果适用的话). 如果我们办公室的信息不正确,请提交一份 大调/小调形式的变化注册处

在提交网上申请之前, 请确认我们已对您的记录进行了适当的更新.

Submitting your graduation application is not applying to participate in the commencement ceremony. The graduation application notifies your 毕业的顾问 of which semester you are expecting to complete all your degree requirements, so that a review of your Advisement Report can be completed 和 ensure you are on track to graduate in the semester indicated on your application. 


  • If you anticipate completing all of your degree requirements at the end of the Spring semester, 申请五月(春季)毕业.
  • If you have 9 or fewer credits left that you will complete during the Summer sessions, 申请八月(夏季)毕业.
  • If you will complete all of your degree requirements at the end of the Fall semester, 申请一月(秋季)毕业.

请注意:如果你正在接受一个以上的学位(例如. 理学士、理学士、理学士),你必须分别申请每个学位.

申请研究生,请登录 MyRIC 遵循以下步骤:

  1. 选择“学生中心”,然后点击“我的学术”
  2. 点击“申请毕业”
  3. 仔细选择你的学术课程,点击它的描述
  4. 使用下拉菜单选择“期望毕业期限”
  5. 点击“继续”
  6. 确认信息无误后,点击“提交申请” 
  7. confirmation will appear on the screen if you have successfully applied for graduation

Your academic advisement transcript is useful so that you underst和 your remaining courses 和 credits needed to graduate. 如果你有任何问题,你可以联系你的毕业指导老师或学校 注册处.



The following requirements must be completed by degree c和idates at Rhode Isl和 College in order to graduate:


  • 所有课程要求, 包括通识教育, 专业或专业要求, 和, 如果适用的话, 辅修课程的要求.
  • 大学写作要求
  • 大学数学能力
  • A minimum of 120 Earned credits, with a minimum of 45 of those credits taken at Rhode Isl和 College. 在45个学分中, a minimum of 15 credits must be in the major (12 of which must be at the 300- or 400-level).
  • 最低累积平均绩点为2分.00在4上.00比例尺.


  • 达到最低累积绩点3.00
  • Complete all curricular requirements as required by the 学校 or department


Please Note: This h和book presents the policies 和 procedures that govern all students enrolled in 研究生课程 at Rhode Isl和 College 和 outlines the procedures for them, 他们的顾问, 项目董事, 部门的椅子, 项目委员会. 关于研究生委员会组织的信息, 研究生院, 和 the authorization for graduate programs 和 courses are available in the College H和book of Policies, 惯例及规例.

有关附录中的表格,请参阅 毕业生手册表格.​

Undergraduate students with a minimum of 54 credits earned at RIC are eligible to receive Latin Honors with the following st和ards:

  • 最优等生:GPA在3分之间.85–4.00
  • 优等生:GPA在3分之间.60–3.84
  • 优等生:GPA在3分之间.25–3.59

RIC每年举办一次毕业典礼, 五月的第二个周末, 并邀请以下学生参加:

  • students who have completed all degree requirements at the end of the Spring semester (May)
  • 必须在夏季学期修满9学分或以下的学生
  • students who completed all degree requirements in the previous Fall semester (December)


毕业 is the official completion of all degree requirements, which is recorded on your official transcript. 当学生提交正式毕业申请时, they are notifying the 注册处 of the semester in which they intend to complete their requirements. The 注册处 will then review the student's Degree Audit 和 certify that all program 和 college requirements have been met. 完成所有学位要求后, 注册办公室将授予学位并订购文凭.


毕业典礼是庆祝完成学位的仪式. It honors students who have completed or will soon complete all the requirements for their degree program. 学生们可以通过访问 毕业典礼的办公室 网站.

Please Note: Participation in the commencement ceremony does not imply that you have officially graduated. 

学生只可提交一次毕业申请. Should your plans change 和 you are not able to complete all your degree requirements in the semester originally indicated on your graduation application, please contact your 毕业的顾问 for a change in Expected 毕业 Date.

The 注册处 awards degrees 和 orders diplomas three times per year:

  • May 15 for students who complete all degree requirements at the end of the Spring semester
  • August 15 for students who complete all degree requirements at the end of the 夏季学期
  • January 15 for students who complete all degree requirements at the end of the Fall semester

毕业证书在五月底寄出, August 和 January 和 are mailed 到 student's Home Address (not mailing address). If needed, students can update their home address in MyRIC or with the 注册处. 请预留6-8周的时间来领取毕业证书. 

你的名字将出现在你的文凭上,就像它出现在你的成绩单上一样. If you would like your name to appear differently on your diploma, you must notify the 注册处 使用这个过程:

  1. 导航到 MyRIC 选择“学生中心”
  2. select "Personal 联系 Info" from the left-h和 navigation menu 和 then click on "Names"
  3. 点击“添加新名称”按钮
  4. 使用名称类型下拉菜单,选择“学位”
  5. type in your name exactly as you would like it to appear on your diploma 和 click the "Save" button
  6. 将出现“成功消息”
  7. 点击“确定”完成整个过程

学生可以通过以下方式申请更换或复制文凭 羊皮纸 在任何时候收取25美元的小额费用. 处理时间约为两周.




Students are required to submit an online application for graduation through MyRIC. 




注册官办公室确保信息的准确性, 维护和保管所有学生的学习记录.