
Krystal Gladu荣誉论文答辩

crystal Gladu的荣誉论文答辩,2019年12月.


The Departmental 荣誉项目 in history gives you the unique opportunity to pursue independent research one-on-one with a history professor (honors advisor) of your choice, with the freedom to immerse yourself in the research and develop your own ideas.


First you will select a topic of special interest in consultation with your honors advisor and study it in depth for two semesters. Frequent meetings with your honors advisor will give you an unparalleled opportunity to engage in meaningful intellectual dialogue. As you share your discoveries with your honors advisor and listen to their seasoned advice, you will experience the gratification that comes with discovery in the company of professional scholars.


The high point of the honors program involves writing an honors thesis and defending it before an Honors Committee made up of selected members of the 历史系, 通常是那些对你的主题有了解的人. 你的辩护反映了志同道合的esball官方网之间的对话.



  1. 报考历史专业
  2. 3.你的历史成绩是50分 
  3. 二年级或三年级
  4. completion of HIST 281 (History Matters I: Methods and Skills) and HIST 282 (History Matters II: Historical Research)
  5. completion of at least two 300-level history courses and/or two 200-level history courses that count toward the history major (200-level Connections courses do not count) at the time of application with at least one more 300-level or 200-level history course, 如上所定义, 在提出申请的学期内进行

    Please Note: It is recommended but not required that these three courses be distributed amongst the three regional categories of the 历史系 200- and 300-level curriculum.
  6. for all history courses through the semester in which the candidate is applying, 考生必须保持3分.5平均绩点

    Please Note: Acceptance into the 历史荣誉课程 prior to the end of the semester in which the candidate is applying is tentative, pending the end of that semester when tentative acceptance will become permanent, 这取决于历史GPA要求的维持.
  7. 与历史系系主任进行磋商, 荣誉委员会主席, or a particular faculty member about intent to do the 历史荣誉课程
  8. 历史荣誉的主题选择和书面提案的提交


  1. 第一学期:HIST 491(指导学习),4学分
  2. 第二学期:HIST 492(指导学习),4学分
  3. HIST 491 and 492 must be taken in successive semesters and you must maintain a 3.两门课的平均绩点都是50,历史专业的总绩点也是50. Before you start HIST 491 you will have selected a topic agreed upon with your Honors Advisor. 它可以是任何时期的, 处理任何地理区域,专注于任何子领域, 比如政治, 种族, 性别, 外交政策, 宗教, 劳动, class, 或者其他任何一种可能性.
  4. HIST 491 is for directed reading and research; HIST 492 is primarily for the completion of a History Honors Thesis and submission of it to an Examining Committee established for that purpose.


During HIST 491 you will meet with your Honors Advisor in a series of regularly scheduled tutorial conferences. 它们的设计目的是在历史编纂等方面指导你, 对原始材料的发现和分析, 以及独立研究的先进机制. Depending on your topic, you may wish to consult with other members of the 历史系.

这学期快结束了, you will submit a written assignment (at least a complete chapter outline or precis of your topic). Your grade for HIST 491 will be based upon your Honors Advisor's assessment of your cumulative oral and written performance. Students who fail to achieve at least a B in HIST 491 will be dropped from the program, 但只要成绩及格,就会获得4个学分.

Should you fail to complete HIST 491 or elect to drop out of the 荣誉项目 after completion of HIST 491, you will be required to take HIST 389 to complete the major's graduation requirement.


HIST 492是荣誉的最后阶段. During this semester you will complete the research and writing of your Honors Thesis. 文本的长度应在双倍行距的40至70页之间, 不包括参考书目和其他设备. You will meet frequently with your Honors Advisor for supervision of the writing of the thesis.

当你和你的荣誉导师就一个可接受的版本达成一致后, 你将提交3份给他们. 于是, the 荣誉委员会主席 will appoint an Examining Committee composed of your Honors Advisor, 至少两名历史系的其他成员, 如果合适的话, 外部读者. 如果考试委员会给你的荣誉论文答辩打及格分, 然后你可能会被要求进行修改. Once these have been made, you will send the newly-revised version to your Honors Advisor. All candidates completing the 历史荣誉课程 satisfactorily shall be granted "Honors in History,并将这些信息记录在他们的永久大学记录上. Students successfully achieving Honors in History are exempted from the HIST 389 graduation requirement.

请注意:荣誉考生参加HIST 492, 但未能完成荣誉论文或口头答辩者, shall be granted 4 credits in history at the discretion of the Honors Thesis advisor. If you have produced sufficient written work that can become a research paper identical to the requirements for HIST 389, 你应该继续写你的作业,并因此获得HIST 492的分数, 却不能获得荣誉. If, 在参加HIST 492时, you generate either no or insufficient written work you will be required to take HIST 389 in order to graduate with a history degree.